Friday, December 4, 2009

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

Playing football with "Honey." (that is what we call my dad)

My "Papa" who is 92 and you would never know it!

Annie celebrating for the 5th time!

She loved this! Can you tell?

He loved it too!

Annie and the boys at a church in Charlotte , the crowd was a little thin that day, they heard we were speaking! :o) (Just kidding, this was before the service started!)

Hi everyone! I know, I am bad! I am getting worse everyday about posting on here! So sorry! It isn't that there aren't wonderful things happening it is just I am doing a little more than normal right now.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my parents and my grandfather! It is always fun to talk to someone who is 92 and still has his memory and is in perfect health. We did a homeschool project where we interviewed my grandfather, "Papa" about his childhood, growing up in an orphanage, the depression and what it was like during the war. It was so interesting to hear all of his responses, what an education we can get from our elders! We videotaped it so we could watch it for years to come! My Papa is so precious!!

Then we celebrated Annie's birthday for the 5th and final time and she loved watching her brother, Alex get cake in the face. ( This is a Mexican tradition, except it is usually done to the birthday person!) We had tons of fun spending time with my niece and nephew and doing lots of shopping. I had my first go at "Black Friday" whew, what a day! I had a blast! All I could think about was how my friends in the village would be going crazy if they saw the prices! I even got to translate some that day! If any MK is looking for a job during the holidays, I bet Wal-Mart would hire you as a translator! They needed them bad on Black Friday!! All the lines were slowed down because nobody knew what anyone was saying! :o) Of course the highlight of the weekend was the turkey and all the fixens! I miss eating with my family during the holidays! It was a blessing!

We also had a chance to speak at a church in Charlotte on Sunday and we felt so welcome! We spoke about our people group, our time in Mexico and how important it is for BCs to give to the LM  Christmas Offering. There are servants of God waiting to be sent to foreign countries right now, but are unable to go, due to lack of funding. We will be speaking at 2 different churches over the next 2 weeks raising awareness of the importance of giving to this once a year offering.

Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and are being blessed beyond comprehension! I love you! Missy


  1. Your updates are always the greatest - - so full of enthusiasm and you always share your heart with such transparency. You are right about a translator for Wal-Mart. What a great idea that would be. I may have told you that our family gives monthly to our SBC church missions' budget. It is easier to give a larger annual amount when you do it year round.

  2. I can only imagine the looks of surprise and amazement when blonde, blue-eyed Missy stepped in at WalMart with rapid-fire Spanish :-) What a wonderful skill for all of you to have to be multi-lingual. Much love to you all - and have a wonderful Christmas!
