Sunday, January 17, 2010


This is Licia and 2 of her sons sleeping outside of their rescue center.


transitive verb 1 a : to submit to or be forced to endure
b : to feel keenly : labor under
2 : undergo, experience
3 : to put up with especially as inevitable or unavoidable
4 : to allow especially by reason of indifference
intransitive verb
1 : to endure death, pain, or distress
2 : to sustain loss or damage
3 : to be subject to disability or handicap

This is what Webster's Dictionary says it means to suffer. However, I don't know if even those words can really describe what suffering really means. Looking at these pictures, I think our hearts can see what it means to suffer. To submit to or be forced to endure~ that is what these people are having to do. They aren't just pictures, they are real people with hearts and souls, with feelings. They have lost. Some have lost family, some have lost their homes, some have lost both. It is hard for me to think about anything else. I remember when Annie had her accident I felt what it was like to suffer. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around how people could be going about their lives when my baby was in pain. I mean, why didn't the world just stop and suffer with me? Why were people going to movies and laughing and eating out and playing at the beach? I realized that is just what happens. People suffer everyday and the world just keeps right on going.

HOWEVER...... I think a lot differently now, I still go about my everyday life, but I do so with a heart that is full of pain and grief and suffering for those who hurt. Then I give my thoughts for those who are suffering to the only ONE who can really help them. JESUS. I can't take a shower right now without thanking God that I have running water and a home. I can't fuss at my children without then thanking God that He has given me this precious children that sometimes disobey. My heart is heavy for Haiti and the people there. I have posted some prayer requests from a friend's blog below. Licia and her family have a rescue mission in Haiti and these pictures above are from her blog Please pray for them. They really need your prayers. Pray for all of the children who are in the process of being adopted and have families here in the US waiting to help them. Pray that the government will intervene and help these babies/children be united with their families here in the US.

Licia says:
We are asking you to pray about..
  • The Rescue Center location. The damage is getting worse with each tremor that we have. We need to make some decisions soon. The kids have been living and sleeping outside since Tuesday night. We are thinking a new location that is not far away.
  • Infant formula and food for the kids
  • fuel for generator and vehicles
  • the kids in the RC (rescue center) and my kids peace in their hearts
  • some way to be able to get some Haitian cash. All banks and places we usually exchange money are closed

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