Saturday, June 19, 2010

He is so Good!

So, If you ever wondered if there really is a God, wonder no more. I am here to tell you, if He cares about us and the simple little  pleasures of one tiny little red headed girl like I know He does, He is definitely real! He showed me that on Thursday when we shopped for groceries. The ONE thing Annie was really going to miss was chocolate poptarts. When we lived here before Wal-mart didn't carry any Great Value brands and since we have been gone, they have started! Yay!! So, when I saw these poptarts, I knew, HE cares, even about poptarts!

All over the world, except in the US, the big thing right now is the World Cup. It is BIG stuff! Yesterday Mexico played France and I am pretty sure the entire country shut down to watch this game. We were in the nearest city shopping for furniture and took time out to watch the game on the flat screen tv at McDonalds. We didn't think there would be many people there. HA were we ever wrong. There were at least 60-70 people watching it. It was so funny. Well, Mexico won the game and the entire country went wild with excitement. I mean, WILD! They beeped their horns for at least 2-3 hours after the game was over and they were playing in fountains and driving with flags hanging out of their cars. It was interesting to see! You can see in the photo above.

Well, we had hopes of having our satellite dish hooked up before last night but that didn't happen. We think it will be up and running tomorrow. So although Alex got to see the soccer game but he didn't get to see the Celtics and Lakers play. So, he had to watch a play by play on the computer and listen to the announcers to know what was happening. Not perfect, but he did it! He was sad to see the Lakers win, but handled the loss well! I would say he thinks that watching a game like that really is suffering for Jesus! ;o)

We have now gotten our house in pretty livable conditions. Things are almost back to normal. ALMOST! We went to our church tonight. It was great! Really wonderful to be a part of such a great group of people. They are such precious people and they love us just as much as we love them. They fixed us a wonderful meal. It was our favorite and we sat and listened to the service. They did it all and we just enjoyed it all. They have grown in ways that only He could orchestrate. It is beautiful to see. Greg and I both felt like proud parents watching our kids do something really wonderful. We are so thankful for the way He has guided us and them. It has been perfect. The best part was that throughout the entire 2 hour service all you could hear was Annie laughing in the background. She played with 2 of her old friends. They played and laughed and made a craft and she was sooo happy. I don't know if she was talking, but she was by herself (which means she wasn't connected to my hip) with her friends and she was happy. That is and answer to your prayers. Thank you! Please keep praying. We love you all! Missy

1 comment:

  1. I love it when we see how much God loves us through little things like pop tarts. He really does love us enough to care about those little details. So glad to hear that your arrival back is going so well! Keep those updates coming. I love you read them!
