Monday, July 26, 2010

Day One, What Fun!

This is the team after they had been awake for 21 or so hours. They were happy to be close to a bed! They slept great that night and were all happy to be able to have church in our home at a rather late time. :o)

I will tell you, I had 100 more pictures to upload, but since the rest of the house is asleep ( it is 12:24 am) and I am still trying to get this done before I sleep, you will have to wait for the rest. The pics were taking about 10 minutes each to download. Sorry! So, we had a GREAT day and then we visited some friends for a "snack." Jamie was thinking, " You're kidding, right?" As you can see Greg is enjoying this immensely!

Greg decided he would have to show old Jamie what real M's are made of, so he dug right in. He was warned to be careful because the toe nails were sharp! Oh how I wish I had time to show you the rest because they are gooood. I mean REAL goood! :o) You will just have to stay tuned until tomorrow. I will try and do that in the am. Oh, it is the am! I am slap happy about now so I need to go before I type something crazy! Let me just say this team has eaten some good stuff today, seen things they have NEVER seen before, laughed harder than they have laughed in awhile and been blessed I am sure! Not to mention how they have blessed us with being here. It has been so good for all of us to have them here. I don't think I knew how much I needed them until this morning in worship when I felt so full! I guess after being sick I just needed a pick me up. This team has been just that! Until tomorrow! I think I may entitle our blog As the Village Turns! So for all of you soap opera lovers.... Like sands through the hourglass so are the Days of our lives. Love you! Missy

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