Saturday, July 17, 2010

Time for pictures!

Hi everyone! I am finally almost 100%! If I could make my head and face/eye stop itching, I would be great! So, thank you all for praying!! I haven't added many pictures in awhile so I thought I better get on that. I don't know why but I couldn't add words underneath the pics, so I will have to describe them here.

The first pic is some of the new people we have in our group. We are so excited about the amount of new people that are coming. But the reason they are coming is awesome. They have seen God work through our group and b/c of that they have started coming! Yay God!

Our boss and his family came to visit us yesterday and we had a great time of sharing about what God is doing. They came to our meeting and were able to meet some of the group. This picture is of one of our friends who made corn and salsa for everyone. The next picture is of our boss and his wife. I think he is telling them all what to do. He likes giving orders! Heehee! ;o) Hi Alan!

Jerod has a true passion to work with these kids and help them have an understanding of what the Bible says. He works hard to come up with crafts to do with them and they love to share what they have done. Sometimes it is just a coloring sheet, but usually they do something more than that.

We make it to the "Big City" about once a week to do our shopping and go out to eat. For the past few weeks every time we came into town someone was sick. So... this past Wednesday we made it to town and everyone felt great! We celebrated by eating at Pizza Hut. Now... Pizza Hut in the States is ok, nothing great, but Pizza Hut here is AWESOME!! They use fresh ingredients and the crust is, well, I can't describe how awesome it is. Anyway, you can see we had no trouble eating that day!

One thing I have not gotten the chance to share is that when we arrived we found that our landlord had 2 new little dogs. They aren't quite puppies, but they aren't old yet.  Greg, was well, less than excited. He isn't a fan of dogs unless they don't jump on you and they never bark. Well one of them barks and he hates that one. The other one he has taken a fancy to. His name is Loulou or Louie. He was just bones when we arrived. The other dog always stole his food. So, we are having fun trying to get Louie fat. He LOVES us!

This is Annie with her two friends Ani and Yessica. Yessica is our God daughter and we were there for her graduation from Kindergarten. They go ALL out here for such events. Annie is doing better with playing with friends and her Spanish is trying to return but it is slow. I am more frustrated than she is, I just want her to speak so she can play freely instead of worrying she is saying the wrong thing. Please pray for her.

So that about does it. I am trying to get things done today that have been left for later. With any luck I will write our newsletter. Thanks for keeping up with us! It means so much to our family. Love to you all! Missy


  1. We had a great time visiting you and getting to know the folks in your area. Thanks for everything.

  2. OMGracious how I miss you my Missy sista! Oh sister, I am just now catching up on you and sooo sorry you have had such a hard time, but if anyone is a's you! You know, isn't it awesome that no matter what trials, hardships, or circumstances come our way...God WILL Always prevail!!! Praying for you! Think we can skype soon!
