Friday, September 3, 2010


Hi friends, I am writing you with a heavy heart. My sweet Adolfo is suffering horribly. I went over yesterday to bring them some chicken and rice soup and I saw him without a shirt on and he was in a lot of pain. I asked what was wrong and he showed me a ton of blisters all over his arm, upper back and all around his ear. I immediately thought, " Oh NO!!!" I am sure he has Shingles. I have always tried to put into perspective the things I go through; thinking, " Hope something good comes out of this." However, when I had Shingles I didn't think that, I thought, "Nothing good can come from this!" Well, I am so thankful that I had them so I would know what it is he has.

 They had gone to the "Clinic" here and whoever is in training there gave him some vitamins, hydrocortisone and ibuprofen. He was in such pain and I am one who definitely understands the pain he is in. I asked him his symptoms and I knew that is what it was. So I ran and got Greg and we prayed over him and said we would talk to his family about taking him to the Dr. The day went on and he suffered and we went back over there to talk with the family last night.

We explained what we thought he had and explained how serious this is for a 94 year old man with diabetes. So as the culture may go, they talked it over between themselves about what should happen. Then they looked at us and said, "Well we ( Adolfo's two daughters) can't take him until Saturday morning. Of course I wanted to scream, " THE MAN COULD BE DEAD BY THEN!!" But... Greg calmly says, " That will be fine we will be ready at 8:30am on Saturday.  So, Adolfo stands up and says to them, (in their language) "Tell them that today when they prayed over me that I was in a lot of pain. Tell them my head hurt and my whole body was hurting. Tell them that while they were praying something cool came over me, a powerful breeze that touched my body and took the pain away." He said that in front of his one daughter that we believe is into some kind of witchcraft. It was awesome!! Anyway, will you pray for Adolfo, I told him we would and I know it means a lot to him. This just may make him a believer after all of this is over with.

Okay, on a lighter note, my computer has it's days. Some days it is fine, like today, and some days it starts out bad and then it fixes itself. So, who knows?!?!? I will keep you up to date on Adolfo and I will try to write more later. Love to all! Missy

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