Sunday, September 19, 2010

A day in the life...

Many people often ask us what a day is like for us here in the village. Well, I will tell you. Today we woke up, ate breakfast and then got ready to go visit a family that lost their 16 year old son last week in a car accident. We went with about half of our group, many brought things like sugar, beans, rice, salt etc... and others brought a little money to offer them. We visited with them for a while and then left. We came home ate lunch and cleaned up quickly. Greg headed off with Annie to a house where a young brother-in-law of one of our friends was needing some help. He doesn't believe in God and was/is searching, so Greg went to talk with him. The boys stayed home and played Monopoly with their friends and I took one of my friends to the city to visit her sister in the hospital. When we arrived back home we all headed to the cemetary for a funeral of our good friend's father. He was around 80 and was ready to go. It was still sad and Greg is still at his house talking with our friend. ( the son of the deceased)  I brought Annie and the boys home and changed my clothes. ( I was wearing our very uncomfortable native clothing) Then  2 girls came by so I could help them with their English homework. We finished that and the boys meanwhile had started another game of Monopoly, or they were continuing the other game I'm not sure. So now I have to go back to my friend's home where Greg is; and help clean up the mess that was made from all the people eating. I am in a hurry but just had to share what a day was like here in the village. I will tell you more in detail about some of our day, later, but just wanted to take the 10 minutes I had and share what was on my heart. Love you all! Missy

p.S. I know gramatically this is torture to read, but....sorry!

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