Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi friends, Well.....what can I say, I need a vacation. A long one. It is now 12:05am and I am just getting home from church and visiting. The day started a LONG time ago and I still need a shower because I smell like a smoke stack. That wouldn't normally matter except the smell is so strong I think it will keep me up.

As I was sitting around a fire tonight; drinking water with a hint of coffee and tons of sugar in it, I had to smile. This is not at all what I pictured my life like. Not at ALL! However, I was talking to my friends, understanding a lot of what they said in their own language and laughing with them, and I was really enjoying it. Even the coffee~water. :o) I am happy to be with these people whom I call mine. It was interesting as we talked; one of our friends ( a recovering alcoholic) said, I hate it when you are gone; I always feel safer knowing you are here, knowing you will defend me. Of course this made me laugh because we look to them to defend us. So, I hope neither of us needs defending or we could be in trouble! It was nice to hear that they put so much trust in us, so much faith in us and hopefully we can teach them how to put their trust in Jesus and not in us. Anyway, I love my life. I am happy.

Today Greg was hugging Annie and he asked her why he got such a pretty and sweet girl for a daughter. Without hesitation Annie said, "Because you're a M. It's because you are doing the Lord's work; because you obeyed him. That's why you got a pretty, sweet daughter." I laughed so hard! So, I guess all those people with ugly, naughty kids just aren't obedient! :o)

We are off to Puebla tomorrow. We live about 8-9 hours from Puebla and we love to visit there. We will be staying with some friends of ours and enjoying a little bit of R and R. Well, at least the kids and I will. Greg will be off to another country south of here. He is doing some storying training and will be gone for about 5 days. So, we will miss him but we hope to be busy while he is gone. We will still be doing school, so it isn't all R and R, but we will be near a Krispy Kreme! Yep, there is one not too far from where we are staying. They are about $1 a doughnut, but... probably worth it. That is one way to keep you from overeating on doughnuts! So, please pray for us while we are out of our area. Pray for Greg that he will have a nice time and that this training could be helpful to all who attend.

I will have high speed internet this week so plan on seeing lots of pictures! Love to you all! Missy


  1. I LOVE that Annie said that! SO cute :) Have fun in Puebla!


  2. Hi Missy, I am glad you can get a little R&R. I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Missy, happy birthday to you! (I am not savvy at technical stuff so even though I selected "anonymous"-the only one I understand) this is Cindi Oakley at Kingston.

  3. Love Annie's explanation to her Dad. Kids say the best things!
