Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi everyone. I only have a second because I am helping Alex with Spelling and Annie with Bible. However, I do have a second. Last night at church I really just wanted to take pictures of everything to show you just how things can go on any given night here. When I arrived I realized that we had 2 special guests. They are from another church in a nearby village and they came to visit. Now it is customary that if there is a guest Pastor visiting, you allow him to preach. I know that in America this would never fly. So, one of these men was expecting to preach.

I was a little bummed because Greg had worked on a special message about baptism all day long. He was well prepared and was going to do his best not to offend anyone; but just make it known what the Bible says about baptism. We are preparing to have a baptism in the next few months and he wanted everyone to be well informed about what it was we were doing. Anyway, when I saw he wouldn't be preaching I was sad for him. However, he didn't seem bothered at all, he said it was God's plan. We think so differently! I sat down and waited for the rest of our group to arrive. 10 minutes passed, nobody, 20 minutes, 2 more people, We went ahead and started with about 8 adults and 5 kids. 45 minutes after we arrived, there were about 25 adults and 15 kids. The strange part was that almost all of our regular group was missing, they were all new. There was a room filled with new people who had come for the first time. That is when I grinned and thought to myself, " When will I learn? He IS in control!" I was happy then that there was a guest speaker! I am not sure how Greg's message would have gone over with first timers!

Okay, now to give you a visual for some laughter. Imagine a room with brick walls and plastic outdoor chairs lining the walls. Okay, all of these seats are filled and they have added a few benches as well. I am sitting there singing our songs with all my heart, making sure to pronounce all of the Spanish words correctly. I notice that everyone is looking up. I thought, "Oh how wonderful, they are singing to God. They are praising Him and looking up to Him." Then I hear some snickering... "hmm.. wonder what is so funny." I then notice what they are laughing at, there was a mouse running back and forth along the rafters. These ain't HIGH rafters either. Jerod later tells me that this mouse had been running above my head the entire time. Everyone knows how much I hate mice, and that made it even funnier. So, that is how church went last night! Wish you could have been there!

Love ya!

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