Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hi friends! Okay, very quick update. Adolfo has lasted a lot longer than I had expected, however he is in a lot of pain. His family is taking him back to the hospital today to see what they can do for him. Please pray.

Now, we are doing a survey for health in homeschool. We are asking everyone we can think of how many hamburgers they eat in a week. We need to know your age, sex and how many hamburgers you eat at home and how many are from a restaurant. You must be honest! Thanks for your help! I will post our worldwide results once the facts are all in! Love you! Missy


  1. Female, age 64. I eat about one (1) hamburger per MONTH - from a restaurant, of course. I don't cook!

  2. Average 1 per month - female - age 38

  3. 2 a week, fast food. 38 - female
    same for my husband, 40- male

  4. Female, 52 yrs. average 3 a week, all at restaurant!
