Friday, October 29, 2010

So the answer is "No"

Well... Greg drove to Icatchwind today and spoke to the leader of the village and he was sad to have to tell him that the other leaders didn't think it was a good idea to have foreigners living among them. We are disappointed but we know that where God closes one door, He always opens another. So we will just have to wait patiently and see what other village He may want us to move to. We know it is in that area that He is guiding us we just don't know exactly where. So, please pray for us that we will be given some guidance as to where and when this move will take place. Thanks!

Okay, so one of my favorite holidays growing up was Halloween. I loved dressing up in costumes. It is probably because I love drama and I loved becoming someone else for a night. My mother is very creative and she always helped my sister and me have the very best costumes on the block. So, when my kids were younger and we lived in the states I loved coming up with fun costumes and seeing if they could be the cutest kids on the block. Of course my challenge was always to do this with anything homemade and without being able to sew. We came up with some good ones too! Anyway, this time of year makes me a little sad because I am not in the US and can't celebrate like I used to with Jerod and Alex. Well, at least I didn't think I could. My friend, Jenell (another M who lives nearby in a larger city) and I were talking and decided we would have a Halloween party for our kids. This THRILLED Annie, actually I think it thrilled Jerod and Alex too. Oh, me too! :o) So I just spent 2 hours trying to make a wig for Jessie. That is who Annie is going to be. We decided to make her birthday party theme; Toy Story 3, as well and that way she could wear her costume for her birthday too! We are all about costumes. Did I mention that? Anyway, it turned out, okay, not great, but okay. She looks adorable anyway. I will make sure I post pictures of our Halloween experience here. The great thing about it is, the 31st just doesn't fit our schedule so we are doing it on November 3rd! Nothing like having flexibility!

Okay, so on the 4th we would like to ask for your prayers for Annie again. She has had a cyst on her lip since sometime in April or May. We took her to a "specialist" in the states and he said it was a wart and froze it off. It came back a week later. We brought her here and they said right away it was a Mucus cyst that had to be removed surgically. We made arrangements with one Dr. and he disappeared. So, we made another appt. with another Dr. and he agreed with the disappearing Dr. and they plan on removing it on Thursday. This will be outpatient surgery, but they will have to put her to sleep. He said this is very easy to do but because she is a child they have to put her to sleep to do the procedure. Hence the timing of the party! We wanted to make sure we could eat all the candy we wanted the day before! :o) So, I think that is all that is happening here. Miss all of my friends and family and wish I could give you all hugs! Instead I will just have to think about you, pray for you and look for you in my dreams! Love you! Missy

1 comment:

  1. You have built so many wonderful memories with your children and you enjoy having fun with them. I am so thankful for that. There are many parents who do not recognize their children for the precious gifts they are.
    Poor sweet Annie - - - so sorry she has to have another procedure but it should be much easier than wart freezing. It is so difficult to see our children have to endure some things.
