Saturday, November 6, 2010

Off to get answers

Hi friends! Thank you all for praying for Annie. She is healing well. We went back to the Dr. yesterday and he said it would be more traumatic to give her more stitches. He said she looked good so we are just taking it easy and eating soft foods.

She is LOVING all of the attention! I need make a correction of sorts from my earlier post. I commented on how Alex was taking good care of Annie, mainly because that was the picture I had and I was commenting on that. However, Jerod also took very good care of Annie. Those fake nails she has on her fingers were painstakingly put on by none other than, Jerod! So, I wanted you all to know that although I don't have a picture to prove it; Jerod was loving on his sister too!

We are off today to "Saint Tommy" to find out if they will allow us to live in their village. If you read this, please pray. We are REALLY  hoping that this would be the answer to our prayers and we would be able to live in this village and maybe in the home that Greg was shown last week. We will find out today if the door is wide open or slammed shut. Thanks for your prayers. Love to you all! Missy


  1. Will pray but it is probably past the time you went to the village. Thank you for the update on Annie. I have been concerned for her healing. Glad that nothing else had to be done.

  2. Thanks for letting us know the answer to prayer about Annie. All though you didn't mention "My Jerod" helping his sister and doing something for her, I was sure he hard. That nail job is not an easy one. All of my grandchildren are so great.
    Since it is pass the time I'm sure you have made your visit to "Saint Tommy", I pray that if that is where the Lord wants you, the leaders will let you in their village. Hope you will be able to get some pictures with that great camera of yours for us to see. Will be waiting to hear if the door was opened for you.
    Love to all my Woods family.
    Mama Dottie

  3. enjoying these updates, missy! thinking of you all as you hear about the village. can't wait to hear an update on that!
