Sunday, December 12, 2010

Movie night

Hi friends! This week was so filled with fun and exciting things but I never had time to write about them. So now I am going to try and capture all of the thoughts I had and write them down. On Monday night we decided to show our church a night of fun. They don't have a lot of money to spend on having fun, so we brought the fun to them. We had a movie night and watched the movie, " Jingle All The Way." We had sandwiches and popcorn and 54 people showed up and we were even missing some of our regulars due to illnesses!

I have spent a lot of time this week with Mada. She is our neighbor whose husband died a few weeks ago. She has been struggling with being alone and so one night I just went over to sit with her. We sat by the fire and she told me about what life was like in the past. It was so interesting. She told me that when she was raising her 7 kids she had to get up each morning at 5am and walk about 2 miles to get water. She had to do this 12 times a day to have enough water to wash dishes, cook with, drink and bath with. She said she didn't see her first car until the late 60's and she didn't see electricity until the late 70's. She said that in order for them to sell things in the nearest city they would walk there 8 hours  and then they would spend the day selling their goods, then they would have to walk back home another 8 hours. Now that is a tough life. I must say this made me feel sooo lazy. I complain about walking to far in a parking lot, can you imagine walking 16 hours a day and have to work, OH and she had a baby on her back.

I think I am becoming way too emotional in my old age. Today we were traveling through a village and it was so cold. I mean it was COLD! It was 15 degrees and maybe you live up north and this isn't any big deal to you. Well, I would bet that everyone you know has some form of heat. The people we know, don't. So as we were driving and the boys were watching the thermometer drop and cheering with each degree, I was just a crying away. They thought I was losing it. Maybe I am. But for the life of me I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that there were people that were doing all they could to get warm and they couldn't. I mean, all they have to keep them warm is blankets. When it is 15 degrees, it doesn't really matter how many blankets you have, if you live in a shack with dirt floors, you're gonna stay cold. I know how horrible it is to be cold and not to be able to get warm and it just made me sick to my stomach for them. Will you please pray for them? For some reason, unbeknownst SP? to Al Gore, it is ridiculously cold here and it doesn't seem to be getting any warmer. So just pray that the people will be able to find a way to stay warm.

We took the kids to the County Fair and enjoyed a night out with friends! Pictures below show how much fun the kids had!

Cinema food!

Waiting for the Cinema to start.

Start of the movie.

Night at the County fair. This was right before Annie fell off of the horse. She was fine, but every kid waiting to get on, decided they didn't want to after all. :o)

Greg and I celebrating 19 years knowing eachother!

Alex enjoying taking care of our friend on a roller coaster.

Annie playing big sister

Greg and Alex on the bumper cars.

Not the best pictures, but Jerod was having a blast !

Greg enjoying playing uncle!

Annie riding her Harley!

We have traveled out of our village for a little while. Please pray for us as we are visiting with friends. Love you all!

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