Sunday, December 5, 2010

Puppy pics

So far we have the names, Manning, Colt, Blue, Reggie,Wayne, Peyton, Freeny, Pelota (which is ball in Spanish) and Indy. I don't know if you follow football but if you do you might see a theme. They also picked Hoosier. Annie picked Buddy but it has to be said well in Spanish and English and they would say Buddy, Booty, so we decided against that! :o) Any suggestions?

Annie and her friends Lupita and Julianna

Playing mama.


  1. Football, huh? So I guess "Pacer" is out?

  2. Pacer would probably be fine if they would say Pacer and not Picer. :o) Greg is fine with anything that has to do with Indiana. He would probably be fine with Bobby Knight. Of course we don't need to worry about the dog's temper, we need to worry about Greg's when the dog pees in the wrong place!

  3. Look at the love on Annie's face. Praying the new pet fits well in the family cuz I can tell she is emotionally involved already!
