Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pictures from Lupita's wedding

Lupita before her wedding with the justice of the peace, or the city judge.

Lupita and Annie

The judge waiting for Lupita, she wasn't quite ready!

Listening to the judge say what marriage meant.

So happy.

Pretty feet!

Signing the marriage certificates.

As soon as the documents were signed, the confetti was thrown and the party began!

Even the dog was covered!

Outside of their home the people waited for food and alcohol to be brought to them.

Don't they look happy? This is how everyone always looks at weddings. Bored. But.. they get free food and drink.

Jerod and Alex with our good friend Icho.

Annie with her plate of food. She loves this stuff! She is so indigenous!

Me and my sweetie!

As soon as they signed the papers, the people start tying these ribbons on them and putting these flags in their hair and hats and anything else. This is the groom.

Greg and the bride's father.

This is Max's mama, she ain't the prettiest dog, but... she gave us our sweet Max!

Here is the "happy" couple! Lupita is smiling b/c I am taking the picture and she really was trying to be a good sport about everything, her husband, not so much.

This is the bride's mama and some random man, dancing. This is how they dance in the village. Step, step, shift, step, step shift. DRINK GUZZLE, step, step, shift.Repeat.

This is the band. They just block the roads and set up their party.


This is out of order a bit, but this is the confetti being thrown after the papers were signed.

Here they were putting the ribbons in her hair.

The judge looks thrilled with this custom, doesn't he?

This is Salvador, the bride's father and I.

Hope you enjoyed these and it gave you an idea of what it is like here. Sorry it took a while for me to upload them, our internet wasn't doing well. Love you all! Missy


  1. Hi Guys, thanks for your ministry!! Blessings, Krista

  2. I haven't checked any blogs lately and figured I needed to catch up some today! Just wanted to say hi and love y'all! Hope you have a great week.

  3. We are so glad to finally have some contact with you guys. Isabella has been wanting to communicate with Annie but we did not know how to reach you. She will really enjoy seeing the pictures. Michele
