Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Day!

Hi friends and family! So much to say. A few weeks ago my mother-in-law came to Mexico to visit us. We always love it when she comes! We had a great time as we took her to each village and introduced her to many of our friends and shared with her all of the awesome things God is doing here. I will try and share that with you through these pictures. We did have 3 days of rest and relaxation at a beach that is about 4 hours away. Hope you enjoy the pictures and I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend remembering all of those who have served our country! Love you! Missy

Boys playing in the creek with some other boys.

Enjoying Mexican Mother's Day at a park.  

This is Grandma with a boy who I teach, his mom and Annie.

Love this sweet lady! Her joy says it all!

This poor grandma was doing all she could to take care of her grandson, but sleep took over. 

I loved this picture. This young lady was reading her Bible while taking care of her son on her back. 

We meet in this couple's home each week, it has blessed us all!

Single mama to 3 young children. Please pray for her, tough life!

This was funny. We always have our study here on this porch. Our friend wanted to show a movie so he brought this flatscreen TV to the village with him and hooked it all up right there on the porch. They hung tarps to make it dark and wala, a movie theater was made. ;o)

Grandma and Alex

Annie loving on her friends.

They made these little tamales out of leaves and mud. So creative!

It was fun having Grandma here to celebrate Mother's Day with us. This was the Mexican Mother's Day. 

We received a wonderful care package from some of the kids at Kingston Ave B Church.  We were extremely blessed by their generosity! Thank you KABC!!

We celebrated a wonderful day of baptism with 4 different churches represented. There were 13 who were baptized. It was awesome.

Some of the youth from one church were in the pool to help the candidates in and out of the pool. That is why you see Jerod and the 2 girls behind them.

He decided at the very last minute that it was time for him to go through the waters of baptism. He was so ready so he just got in at the very end.

Greg was very pleased! 

This was a main walkway. Just plop em down and they sleep. ;o)

This was a close up of her face.

No words.

Such a pretty Grandma!

Time for some R and R!!

Me and my boys! Love them!!

These are too cool, they go diving for them and sell them on the beach.

Like father, like sons.

Greg and his Mama!

We went on this banana boat ride and it was soooo fun! Awesome ride!

Okay... I had to include this. This is one of those find what shouldn't be there photos. This is a baby pool that is about a foot deep. Grandma and I watched in HORROR as this child continued to try and kill himself. No one seemed to even gasp as they saw it. ;o} Only in Mexico!

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