Sunday, September 16, 2012

Homeschool, Shoes and Estella

Hi friends! Time is getting away from me and I am not updating as much as I had hoped. School started and it is going well. I used to say that the three things I never wanted to do were homeschool, leave the country or be a B. God in His awesome sense of humor combined all of them and I love all 3! We have decided to do video updates as often as possible to try and bring hisvillage to you! Hope you like our 1 minute video posted in the post before this one.  Love to you all! Missy

We found out Annie loves uniforms and so this year she is wearing one to school! ;o)

Day 2 uniform!

I am so glad I get to teach the best daughter in the world! 

One thing we love about homeschool is our PE days. This day we went to a park and Greg worked on football skills with the boys and I went discovering with Annie. Not the best hair day for me, but... my husband didn't seem to care! 

Annie and I discovering Science by the river. This is what we found...

We think ants are WAY cool. They work together better than any humans ever could. They walked for miles in ant terms to get these little orange and yellow leaves. Then they carried them all the way to the top of this tree. It was fun to follow their trail with my camera lens.

Can you see the trail of orange going up the tree?

We followed them to the very top left corner of the tree. Really amazing!

Football... boring! Ants are way more fun! 

We are always amazed at how much they look alike! They were deep in some discussion. He loves his boys!! And his GIRL!!

Annie and I helping Alex out with his photography class! 

Annie made these cakes. They were super yummy!

The world looks so peaceful in her hands!

SHOES!!! This ministry has taken off like wildfire. After our last team brought a box of used shoes to us many others got on board and have sent us shoes too! We now have 5 boxes in the mail to us and we plan on using these to open many doors. 

This is what it looks like when a little one receives used shoes! 

We gave her 2 pairs b/c she needed them pretty badly. As you can see, her happiness was beyond words! This family had never let us in to visit with them until we had shoes. 


This is how kids in the village play. It had rained hard and they just played in the puddles/street.

I have mentioned Estella many times before. This is Estella and Jacob. She is our house helper and our poorest friend. I love her with every fiber of my being. I am praying for a way to fix her house. 

There are more pictures below, but this is one side of her home. Just a tarp for a wall. They sleep on the floor, have one outlet for a light that they borrow from their neighbor, they have no bathroom or any water. Please, if you pray, pray for her. 

This is the front of her house. They have put plastic over the roof to help keep the rain out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how cool u guys make homeschooling!!..and Annie ur uniforms r are way cool!!...ISn't it amazing how God used Robin(one person) to see this ministry take off..So neat to see the kids getting shoes and how excited they r when they get them!!.. praying for Estella, Jacob..and u guys!! luv u pam t.
