Sunday, March 17, 2013

Camp, Medical Clinic and Baptisms....

Hello my friends!  I know, I always say I am going to do better at updating this thing called a blog, but if I had time to update it, I wouldn't be doing all the things I want to tell you about! 

First Annie and I took a very long bus trip (it took us 11 hours) across Mexico so that she could attend her first ever camp. She was BEYOND excited! Because we live so far away I offered to be a chaperone/counselor in one of the cabins. She had a great time and is already looking forward to next year. 

Then Greg and the boys made their way to camp and the boys stayed at camp and Annie and I left with Greg. We spent the next few days helping our friends, the Conners with a medical clinic in their village. Great times! 

We all returned home and had a visit from some friends in Guadalajara that have a heart for the indigenous and are wanting to help their church become more missional. So they had some visits with the pastors in the area here and they came up with a plan on how they could work together. It is awesome to see these churches start to think of other people that  are outside of their general area. 

We continue to hold studies in 4 villages here in our immediate area and we are seeing a lot of fruit! It is wonderful to be a part of His plan here in Mexico.

Then we were blessed to be a part of a baptism where 4 different village works came together to see their new believers follow Jesus in the act of baptism. This is a very big deal here and when you are able to witness it, you can't help but walk away feeling blessed. This baptism was done by our good friend, Charlie. He and his wife, Sharon work in some villages with our people group about an hour away from here. We get together with them whenever we can to encourage one another. They are precious people and God is doing wonderful things through them. 

Love you all! Enjoy the pics! Missy

This  was one of my campers. She  loved to talk in her sleep! 

I  think you will see this precious one, Sofia, on the cover of a magazine one day. 

Devotion time.

Annie playing  one of the games.

Girls in my cabin, sitting on my bed, watching Horton on my iPad and eating popcorn.

Micah doing Annie's hair. They are a match made in Heaven for sure!! ;o) 

Village life.

Precious little one waiting to see a Dr. at the medical clinic.

Loved this old man. He laughed and laughed, when I called him handsome! 

Doing a drama to the Bible story  of Jesus calming the storm.

Lunch at the medical clinic.

Making lunch.

This is  Manolo.  He is SUPER  funny. We would give anything to have about 20 of him! He makes all the people laugh and can tell Bible stories like no one else. He is amazing! Here he is making everyone laugh as he kissed his muscles!  

I honestly could have taken her home with me! I restrained myself! It probably wouldn't have been a good witness!

Annie helping out with the kids as she and one of the team members, Cindi, gave out bracelets to all the kids. 

The Doctors saw about 300  people in 2 days and gave out a  LOT of medicine!

One precious lady brought this as her payment for her care. We assured her that it was free, but she insisted on giving this to the church. 

Road to the Conner's home.

Even the dogs were waiting to be seen! ;o)

Micah and Annie hanging out.

I made friends and we were playing in the banana tree. These kids are so beautiful!

Group of B leaders from the area and some from Guadalajara ready to work together to reach the lost!

Greg teaching on baptism in one of our groups. He was using a doll to demonstrate why we baptize like we do. The word baptize means submerge. 

The doll from the Sunshine family has now been baptized! 


Ready for her baptism.

It is not easy to remove tattoos. I am so glad that Jesus made it so much easier for us to remove the sins in our lives. Removal of tattoos costs a lot and is painful, removal of sins is free and all you have to do is put your faith in Jesus and ask Him to remove them for you. 

Have I mentioned how much I love these people?

Singing praises after each baptism. 

This was taken for our friends, Josh and Jenell who are suffering the loss of their precious newborn. 
She was born 6 weeks premature and just wasn't healthy enough to enter this world. Jesus decided she would be better off with Him. We are trusting Him with little Sienna Joy. 

Thanks for your continual prayers for our ministry here working among the indigenous of Mexico. 

1 comment:

  1. How cool as always! Funniest part was Greg baptizing the Good analogy Missy about the you and praying!! Rachael says she misses you and praying for you guys too!

    Pam and Rachael
