Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prayer Day Three

Please pray for Abel. He is pictured here in the blue shirt. He is the pastor of a very small church that is trying to do everything it can to reach the lost. He has a passion for his village and has such a sweet spirit that you can't help but be drawn to him. His church has struggled for years as no one has stepped up to help him do his job. Greg has partnered with him and is trying to teach he and the leaders of the church how they can better reach their village. Please pray that through this sweet man and his family that they could lead their church to become missional and plant new works in a different area of their village.  Thanks so much for praying! Missy

This is Abel with his son, Alex, and wife Alma. Then beside them is his sister-in-law, Griselda and niece, Flor. Since this picture was taken they have had another little boy.

Greg and Abel at a camping event. 

This is his church during VBS. ( That is a team of Americans on stage, notice the white bodies!) They don't normally have that many kids, but since this VBS, many of those kids have continued to come back without their parents. 

1 comment:

  1. Will definitely be remembering this church, ABel and ALma in my prayers, what a great way to post Missy! Thanks for all the you!

