Monday, March 25, 2013

Prayer Need Day One

Please pray for Estella. She is our precious house helper who lost her husband due to alcohol about 8 months ago. She is a strong Christian woman but has faced many trials since his death. She is a mother of 3. Please pray that her oldest son, Marcus (17) would turn his heart over to the Lord. He is following in his father's footsteps and has been drinking and is involved in drugs. This has been almost unbearable for Estella. Please also pray for her financial situation as she never seems to have enough for each day's needs. This picture was taken with her youngest son, Jacob, right after her husband died.Thank you! Missy


  1. Praying for Estella and Marcus! Also, praying that God will use you all to be a continual blessing to her!

    1. Thanks for praying Marlene! I love these people! This family is precious to me and I really appreciate your prayers! I know they would too!

  2. Missy,
    Thanks for the reminder to pray for Estella,, definitely will. love you!
    Praying for you guys as well! So thankful for all you do and for the hearts and service God has given you..
