Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Past Few Weeks In Pics

 Hi friends! I always think that a picture tells a 1000 words, so I will just let the pictures tell you what we have been doing over the past few weeks. Enjoy! Love, Missy

We celebrated Alex's 14th birthday at a nearby pool. It was a great day!

Love my Alex!

I thought I would try to paint his present; a Colts jersey with his favorite number on it. (It happens to be Andrew Luck's number as well!)
We had a resurrection party. It was a lot of fun!

We celebrated some baptisms with our small group that we meet with here in our village. It was awesome to see 6 people follow Jesus through the act of baptism by immersion. 

My best friend, Laura. She was one of the ones who was baptized, it was a great day!

Love this picture. This is a true clash of cultures. She just sat down from cooking over the fire and decided to read a text and listen to music. Too funny! 

Our small group, plus the pastor we partner with and his family. 

We were able to give some shoebox/bags away to some kids. This was awesome. We received shoeboxes from Christmas a little late. We divided them up to make them go further and are now giving them out to needy kids. The little one, wasn't too happy about it!

We have been praying over a lot of sick people lately. This young girl is only 19 and already has a 4 year old and Lupus. She is sick a lot and has a long road ahead of her. Please pray for her. Her name is Lupita.

We have been giving out more shoes. It is always a blessing, for all those who give and receive! 
We had an awesome turnout for our family camp. We had about 170 people in attendance and had a wonderful time together as a body of believers. 

We witnessed 8 people baptized, it was awesome!

Watching the baptism.

These are the 8 that were baptized. 

Played lots of games.

Learned more about the Bible. 

Greg lost at tug of war! ;o)

Annie enjoyed herself!

Some were bored to tears! ;o)

Others played until they couldn't play anymore.

Jerod and Alex had lots of fun with their friends. I love my boys!

We had a boat race. 

I was determined to win, even if it meant cheating. 

Annie had some down time with her friend, Lyz.

We helped put out our neighbors house fire. I took this from my porch. It was close, but with buckets and lots of village helpers, it was out in about 15 minutes. 

This is what it looked like when it was over. 

That is what we have been up to and we have enjoyed every up and down of each day. We have had drunks at our doorstep begging for help and have had sad wives looking for marital advice,  through it all, each day has been a blessing. Thank you all for your prayers!

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