Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How we spent our month.

What have we been up to? Well, I have wanted to update this but it seems like every time I start to do that, I think, I will wait until we do.... But then we are doing something just about all the time so I never get to update it. Make sense? So here is what is happening in our life. 

We continue to collect shoes for our shoe ministry which is going so well. We use them to enter into homes of people that are generally not open to listen to Bible stories and with shoes in hand they are more open to listen. This may look like a lot, but when you are sharing with lots of people, they go fast. We have given out more than 100 pairs of shoes since we started this ministry. Thank you all! 

About 8 months ago Greg and Pastor Isai, started a men's group called Vallientes. 
This stemmed from the movie Courageous. These men get together once a month and share their struggles and their triumphs. It has been awesome to see them come together and fight to be better fathers and husbands. These men, alone planned a meal for all of the women in this church group. It was amazing!

Here they are preparing it, while the women were still coming. It was comical, but precious! 

Here they were trying to figure out the best way to serve the women. 

I was impressed.

This man here, serving the food, is Pablo. He is a recovering alcoholic and 'fell off the wagon' about a month ago. He showed up at our house once he was sober and asked if he could go back to church. He said he was sorry and really wanted to change. We of course told him that the people in the church would welcome him with open arms. He has been the first one to every service since that day. He has started bringing his brother-in-law, mother and sister. So of course seeing him here, serving these women, was a blessing to us all.

They were expecting about 40 and there were more than 60 that came! 

Here is Pablo and his family. He brought his wife, mother and sister along as well. 

I just love this girl. She was telling Bible stories to her friends in the corner as the kids played. 

Fun game they all laughed their way through. They had to draw a picture of their mother on top of their head without peeking. 

This was the winner. 

Pastor Isai and his sweet family. Without them it would be impossible to reach as many villages as we do. Please pray for them. 

It was just Annie with me at this event. The boys attend youth during this time. 

Giving a big Mother's Day kiss to his grandma.

These kids from this church made cool gifts for their mamas. 

Then God blessed each one of the mamas with a flower to take home. Greg was so impressed that those plants only cost 80 cents each!

So sometimes, living here we have to improvise if we want something. If we want Chick-fil-a, I try to make it as close as possible, if we want a movie experience, we set up a projector, if we want a spa day...this is what we do. Annie has learned this skill very well and surprised me for Mother's Day with my own spa. Look close at all of her details. Strawberries, cheese and crackers, magazines, soft music, you name it, I had it. Now look below at the massage area. ;o)

She even rolled up the end sheets for me to put my head and watch Netflix while getting my massage! Too cute!

It was a very happy Mother's Day!

There are two things I am sure of... I was made for this job, and I was made to be a Mama!! I love both of those jobs!

As you can see here, we are getting worn smack out! 

This was a homemade water park in out backyard. They were cutting a water balloon over Greg's head. 

We never have water during this time of year, so when you get a tiny trickle, they get really happy! They decided after we had our water park, they would shower under the trickle! That my friends, is a Mexican shower! Thanks for all of your prayers! Missy

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