Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Making Memories in December

 Since we were going to be here in Mexico all of December I decided to start a new tradition. It may only last a few years, but it will be fun while it lasts. I told Annie that in the month of December American Girl dolls come to life at night. She rolled her silly eyes at me and said, "Whatever Mom." So I said, "Game on sistah!" The creative juices started flowing and I have had fun with it. So... here is what they have been up to so far this month. 

First they got into the Christmas ornaments when I had told Annie it wasn't time yet.
Kit decided she wanted to see the home made ones that Annie had made in years past. 

Josefina was testing the lights and Elizabeth was playing with the bows. 

Next day they tried to hang some ornaments that were left off of the tree. 

Josefina was determined to hang the #1 teacher ornament. Love that girl!

Next morning we found they had been watching Despicable Me 2.

I think they were getting into the Christmas spirit. They pulled out all of the baking goods. 

Next morning I found they had gotten into my makeup and were giving each other makeovers. 

Kit was in her element and was really enjoying this. 

Now that they had their makeovers I guess they thought they were ready for a photo shoot. 

They hired a photographer. She seemed pretty good. 

They got tired of looking all prim and proper and got into the American candy stash. 

They really were pigging out and Kit even had to unbutton her pants.

After pigging out they felt guilty and decided they needed to exercise. 

Kit liked working out on the orange ball. 

So their photographer posted their photos on Facebook and they found out about it. They were so excited to see themselves on the internet that they got a little bit big-headed. 

Sam was so excited to see herself in pictures she took a selfie in a bikini. 

Her mama found out and boy was she ever in trouble!

She was grounded, her phone was taken and she is no longer to wear a 2 piece. That is a tough mama!

The next day we found them folding laundry. They had heard me scolding Annie for having a sloppy room and decided they would help her.

Sam was writing in her diary. While they were folding clothes. Elizabeth was NOT happy with her at all. Then they saw that they weren't sure that was a pencil. Was it a ..... 

Oh my...Josefina is onto her. They think she was smoking and not "writing in her diary."

Next day they said she needed a Bible intervention. First it was selfies and then it was smoking. That was enough for these American girls! 

They pointed out this Bible verse so she would know the error of her ways. 

The girls have been scared ever since they were on the internet about something called Elf on the shelf. They saw that an elf was coming to life at night in many homes and doing crazy things and they were worried. So one morning I woke up to find they had kicked Greg out of the bed and were sleeping with me. 

They then decided to set a trap for the elf and see if they could catch him. They didn't, of course and I assured them they wouldn't. The only thing that comes to life in our home are some crazy little AG dolls! 

They have been curious about the true meaning of Christmas. Kit told them the story of Jesus' birth and explained that is the reason we celebrate Christmas. 

She used this nativity scene to explain the story better. 

They had some deep conversations over this. 

They also shared birthday cake in honor of Jesus. Josefina was moved by the story but couldn't think because she was so full. She was saying how she had to unbutton her pants because she had eaten so much cake! 

They were up late again trying to catch the elf. So they decided to play Go Fish. 

They just dealt the cards and already Sam is winning. She has now been accused of cheating. 

Poor Sam can't catch a break. 

Who knows what the last half of December will bring! We shall see! Hope you enjoyed their journey so far!

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