Sunday, December 6, 2020

Decorating Your House

 Most of you have either started decorating your houses for Christmas or you have had them decorated for a few weeks already. For the most part, we are done putting up decorations around our home. This year was different for our family as it is our first Christmas together. Our first Christmas with all of our decorations combined and all of our traditions combined as well. We have had to compromise in many areas however, this has proven to be a blessing. 

Our tree with all of our ornaments on them!

I was challenged by something Mark said about homes with lights on the outside of them. Let me be clear, he wasn't against this, it just gave me something to think about. Many people spend so much time decorating the outsides of their homes and making them look so pretty. Like these pretty homes below. 


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

The question Mark brought to my attention was how much time we spend on the outside while neglecting the inside.  How many people care more about what people think about how their homes look and don't spend enough time on how their family looks on the inside of those homes. I have been convicted by this and am working on spending as much time reading my Bible and praying as I do reading FB posts and shopping. I truly want the inside of my heart to mimic the outside. I want people not only to see the gift giving but the sharing of Jesus with others. I wonder how many of us if we were honest would say the inside of our physical homes look like this.....

Is that how our spiritual home looks as well? Are we avoiding spending time with our Father like we avoid spending time with our families? Now days it seems like families are disconnected, and they do whatever they can to get their mind off the fact that they have grown apart. Is that what we do to Christ? I am writing this for myself as much as I am for anyone who is reading this. 

This Christmas I challenge you to get real with Christ, decorate the inside of your heart with the light of Christ like you decorate the inside and outside of your home. Whether you have a Christmas tree or a big Nativity Scene, or a big blow up Grinch in your yard, none of that really matters if your heart isn't where it needs to be. If you ever need someone to pray with you over any matter, please let me or Mark know, we would count it a privilege to pray with you! 

For now, I have no family photo so this will have to do.
 From our house to yours, We truly wish you a very Merry Christmas! 



  1. I love that you posted this! It has been on my heart this week, too. I know quite a few people who immerse themselves in Scripture daily and I admire them but it is still too few percentages in our churches. One of my favorite verses is… Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you!
    It is always wonderful to hear from you!

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