Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Please pray for our return trip home!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be our last day here in Puebla before we return home to San Lorenzo. We are very excited about returning to our home and our people group. They have been so worried about Annie and can't wait to see for themselves that she really is okay.

We are going to need your prayers for many aspects of our return. First of all Annie is going to be somewhat overwhelmed by all of the attention. Secondly, we don't know how any of us (mainly Annie and I) will react to going back to the scene of the accident. Greg and the boys have been home since it happened, however Annie and I have not been back home since she fell into the pot. I don't think we will have any negative feelings, but I really don't know. Thirdly, many people in our village believe that you can cast a spell on people and have bad things happen to them as a result. We are preparing ourselves to hear such things about this accident. Things such as, "Someone doesn't like Annie and because of that, they caused this accident. " Please pray that we can show how God was in control of the entire situation from the very moment that it happened. Lastly, please also pray for our 9 hour travel back home on Wednesday.

I took a few pictures of my 3 "toddlers" as they took turns on the little rides at a nearby shopping center. As you can see they were desperate to pass their time today!

I am planning on writing our monthly newsletter tomorrow. This is a mass email we send to all of our prayer warriors. We tell what is happening with our ministry and how you can be a part of that. If you don't receive this and would like to, please let us know and we will add you to the email list. Love you all!


  1. I am praying for your travels and emotions too! It is good to see the children all smiling. God Bless

  2. I'm so glad to hear that Annie is well enough to go home. I will pray for your trip tomorrow, as well as your concerns about being back again for the first time.
    Also, I would like to get your newsletter. My email address is carsick at ugnet dot org, if you know what I mean.
    God bless you!

  3. Dear Woods,
    It was so good to see all of your happy faces in G'mala last week. Hope to see you all again soon in the near future.

    All our love,
    Tim, Becky, and Jacob

  4. God is sooo good!!! It's hard to believe that Annie is doing so well in such a short time!! God is a God of miracles! We continue to pray for all of you daily. Please add me to your e-mail list--I enjoy the blog updates and would love to receive your newsletters!
    My e-mail address is: deverett@egfirst.org

    Love to you all,

  5. Missy,
    We would love to get your newsletter! I've been away for a week so I'm trying to catch up.
