Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Going Home!

After 5 and a half weeks, 8 different beds, 3 different countries and a lot of prayer, we
are finally headed back home. We are very excited and ready to go home. We are a little anxious about all of the unknowns, however we know that God has walked with us through every minute of the past 5 weeks and He will do the same once we return to the village.

I have just sent out our monthly newsletter and if you would like to be added to our mass email, please let us know and we will add you to our list. I am going to combine our prayers for Annie and the prayers we need for our people and put both on here. This is the end of one chapter in this journey and the start of chapter two.

This first chapter was all about how God will bless you through every difficult day in your life. It was about hurting and healing and God answering prayer.

This second chapter will write itself as we live out every day in our indigenous village. The first part will be about how our people group welcome us back home. I am sure there will be many pictures of all of our friends loving on us. It will be about how Annie has become a way for us to share Christ with many.

So, please continue to pray for Annie as she has a lot of discoloration and that will probably take a while for it to fade. We are just hoping and praying that it will all fade. Until chapter 2, we love you!


  1. praying for a smooth transition back into your home and for continued healing for sweet annie! thanks for sharing this journey with us so that we could be a part of praying her through!!!
    love you guys!
    beth, david, leah grace, and bennett

  2. Friends,
    I love you all! I continue to pray for each of you. I LOVE the pictures of the kids on the ride. God began a work in me in Guatemala--I will think fondly of Jerod and Alex in my class and Exp God as the facilitator of that work. I am reading a MOST informative, healing book: What's Your God Language? by Dr. Myra Perrine--IF you get a chance to read it is worth the time. Connecting Wtih God Through Your Unique Spiritual Temperament is the sub-title.

    Please add me to your prayer newsletter.
    Trusting in AWE!
    Sheila McMillan
    Springfield MO
