Saturday, June 21, 2008

We made it to Guatemala!

Hi everyone, we made it last night to Guatemala and our trip went well! Annie was so excited to see all of her friends and had a great day today! Her wounds continue to heal a little each day and we really do feel it is because of all of your prayers. She had a good day in her class today and loved playing on the swingset! She even went on the monkey bars (with help) and used both hands! I am hoping that by the end of this week we will see her 3rd degree burn close up and have no more pain during bath time. Please pray for that if you will! We really hope that area heals like her hand did. Right now it still looks pretty ugly and we really don't want her to have any raised scars. I will be updating this as much as I can this week. The main prayer for now is that she will have a great week with friends and soon baths will be fun!
These two pictures were taken in the airport yesterday. Annie was pretty worn out as you can probably tell. However, her friends and "aunt" were all happy to see how well she was doing! Love to you all!


  1. Miss,
    Thanks so much for letting us know you arrived safely, and that Annie made the trip OK. I thought of you so often yesterday, and just prayed that Annie would do alright. We will continue to pray about the 3rd degree burns, and that bath time can once again be a fun time.
    Love Ya,
    Mama Dottie and Daddy Dave

  2. Annie,
    We're glad you are healing well. God is good! We know Meredith and Julia will watch over you for us! Have Mom & Dad check out comment #2 under the picture of you and Jackson going to church for more family comments. ps-you were sleeping in the same room that I stayed in for 6 weeks when I was in Puebla with Meredith and her family! God has great plans for you, Annie! Hang in there!
    praying for you,
    Nana & Granddad Callan(Mulhollen-family members
