Saturday, October 4, 2008

I know, I know, I know

Yes, I know, I haven't posted anything for a week now. I have been so busy having fun that I haven't even looked at email lately. We have been packing as much as possible into our 3 weeks here in the States! I am getting ready to head off to some yard sales with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. I LOVE yard sales and can't wait to find tons of stuff that I won't be able to bring back with me. :o) I promise to post a longer post tonight along with lots of pics! Love, Miss


  1. i hope you guys are having a wonderful visit with family! i miss you already!! you made me smile so much while you were here!!

  2. Hey Missy -
    I can totally relate to shopping buying and then realizing "There is NO WAY I can take this back with me." We actually just started taking stuff to the post office and shipping it. It is VERY hard to go in Target and see such a huge selection of everything...even toothpaste!!We have limited supply of American goods at the base store. I am getting too wordy...but I wanted to let you know I totally identify with wanting to shop and needing to restrain!!
    love you, girl...enjoy every minute!!
