Saturday, October 4, 2008

38 and looking 50!

October 1st was my 38th birthday and I wanted to thank all of you for your kind emails and warm wishes! I had a great day! Looking at this picture I look like I was turning 50, I don't like that at all! I am trying to add more pictures but it is not letting me so I will add some more in another post. My neice is reading this over my shoulder and says I am not being my "funny" self, so, I will try my best to be goofier! :o)

We have done nothing but have fun, laugh, and eat. Probably in that order. I will add the pictures to show what we have been doing because it will tell the story better than I can! Love you all! Missy

1 comment:

  1. Hey Missy!
    I did turn 50 this year...back in February and even though people say I don't look (or act 50) I must say my body does feel it much of the time!! Glad y'all are having such a fun time in the states!
