Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Annie had a great night!

Just passing along that Annie had a really good night sleep and is showing more of her personality this morning by talking and asking for some food. We had two good friends, Mike and Keri Franz, arrived last night from our home church. They are going to be a great help especially with the boys. Your prayers are working as Annie is doing better each day. We have been humbled by your comments which are coming from all over the world. What an awesome example of the body of Christ and power of prayer.

We are headed off to the hospital shortly for Annie's first bath and some physical therapy. We will let you know this evening how things went. We should have some new pictures up some time this morning.

Love to all, The Woods


  1. Glad to hear Annie continues to do better! I met Greg at ION last Dec.

  2. We are so thankful that Annie is doing better. We thank our good and faithful heavenly Father for His care! We will continue to pray for Annie.

  3. Mike and Keri Franz are friends of ours from Ohio. I am glad to hear that your daughter is doing better - and that she can be with you all. Praying for the drs., wisdom on their part; and a sense of peace and patience as you help Annie recover. She is in the hands of the great Physician!

  4. Hello,
    I am Michael Rains's sister. We are praying for you here in Champaign, IL.
    Zephaniah 3:17

  5. Hello To All The Woods,

    Please know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    In Christ,
    Steve & Leslie Cassell

  6. Praise Father for a good nights rest! Our thoughts and prayers are continually with you guys. Our prayer for you this day is that He would provide the strength, peace, and wisdom you need. Keep looking up! We love you all, Jerry, Kelly, Austin and Adriann in Thailand

  7. Missy and Greg--we just want you to know that we are praying for Annie and your whole family. God has already worked miracles, and we praise Him! You are in our prayers constantly.

    Scott and Kim O'Connell (friends of the Conners in VA--we met you at the ILC when we visited them there)

  8. hey guys
    I am glad to hear that Annie slept well last night. I wondered how she was sleeping. I am up a lot at night these days, so I have more time to pray for you! Kristen just learned to pray a few weeks ago. She asks me several times a day, "Where'd Annie go?" and then hands me whatever she's holding and clasps her little hands together and says, "I pray Annie". I don't understand all that she says after that, but at least God does!! Annie, Julia drew a pretty picture for you the other day. Meredith likes to look at the pictures of you and her being cheerleaders at camp. I hope you will get to meet our new baby soon. Do you like to play with your Barbie doll? We will pray for your physical therapy this afternoon. Uncle Steve worked as a physical therapist before we came to Mexico. He likes to help people who are hurt get better. Kristen is learning to say a lot of things now. She is very loud. She likes to shout. Julia says hi and that she is praying for you. She is praying that you will get better.

    Missy, I miss you and love you. I am glad that so many people are praying for you and I know God will work on your behalf. Love, Holly, Steve, Julia, Meredith, Kristen and Susan

  9. Straight from the lips of 2-year-old Virginia Hoglund: To Annie, we love you. I ate soup just like you fell into. We're glad you have big bandages on your boo-boos. We're glad your friends grabbed you out of the soup. We're gonna hug you when we see you. You will let us go there to see you. Jesus will make you feel better.

    From her mama: Miss, Greg, Jerod, Alex and Annie, we love you all SO MUCH and continue to pray to the Great Physician for complete healing of Annie, absence of pain and cheerfulness of spirit. PLEASE remember that I am here (although several states away), and will do anything you need to help! I have told everyone I could think of to pray for Annie, and from the looks of this webpage she has an amazing prayer team!! Love, Amy :)

  10. You will never know how much good it did us to see Annie's smiling face! We were just heartsick when we heard the news, but we know what a MIGHTY GOD we serve! We also know that the Purepechas are moved by miracles, and we believe God will use Annie's remarkable recovery to bring many to the foot of the cross! Bro. Salvador called to see if he could have contact information. We'll try to help him see the blog page. All our home churches and families are praying for Annie (including Alejandra). Capacuaro church is praying as well. Christian has arrived in Houston today--will leave for camp in Austin Saturday and then be back to Houston in a week. Maybe we can figure out a plan for someone to bring Christian so that he and the boys can have a boys day out! I think they'd all like that. Missy, I've hardly been able to stand it that I couldn't talk to you before you left. Do you need us to do anything with your home study group? Our contacts are in Houston, but let us know if you have an unmet need. Maybe we can work something out. It's close enough. We love and miss you guys SO much! The STEFFLERS (Charlie, Sharon & Christian)

  11. Woods Family,
    So great to hear that you had a good night. We are praying for all of you. Get a hug from Mike and Keri--it's from us.
    Please know that may people in Charlotte are also praying for Annie. We know God is going to continue to do wonderful things.
    Tracie and Steve Bagwell

  12. Annie,
    I am praying fo you now as your therapy begins and I know God hears our prayers.

    Alex and Jerod,
    We continue to pray for you as you help mom and dad and Annie cope. We are looking forward to seeing you again in Guatemala. Jerod, I will be your teacher again...hope that is ok with you. My husband, Rex will be teaching with me. We got some cool crafts to do and an EXCELLENT Bible all-time favorite one!!! Alex, Mrs. Kathy and her son Ben will return again this year working with 1-3 grades. Mrs. Janet will also be working with them. Our team meets tonight for prayer. We love you so much!
    Sheila McMillan
    RBC Springfield MO

  13. I juat received the request for prayer for Annie from our pastor in WV. All of you will certainly be in our prayers daily. Our God is a mighty God and I know he will provide the strength that is needed for all of you.
    Mary Smith (Palm City, FL and Augusta, WV)

  14. Greg & Missy,
    Praising God for Annie's good spirits!!! I prayed all day for you today, I am sure it is almost unbearable to see her in so much pain. Phil 4:13 kept coming to my mind as I prayed for you all. " I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Hang in there.
    Love you guys,
    Heather & Paul

  15. We are praying for you. God bless you.

  16. The Mullhollens shared your story with us. We are elated that you have made it safely to Galveston and Annie is doing well. Our church is praying specifically for you and your family. Thank you for being ministers of the Gospel to your People Group in Mexico!

    First Baptist Church
    New Albany, MS

    Shane Scott

  17. Greg and Missy, I don't know how to put in words how I feel or what I want to say. We are praying for Annie and the entire family. God is great and He will be glorified through this trial. James 1:2,3 Consider it pure joy, my brother, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. If we can be of any help, do not hesitate to call. Galvaston is a day away from Columbus. We love you and miss you. 706-569-6811 home number.

  18. My grandson who is 22yrs old was just burned 1 month ago & was in Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis in the burn unit, had 2nd to 3rd degree burns on his face, arms and a spot on his leg---had grafting done & is doing great in a month, of course we had many prayers & it was only thru GOD that he is back to work. He is healing so fast. God is so good and will take care of your Annie as he did my grandson. I understand what you are going thru. As you watch her heal, you will know it is of GOD. I will pray for all of you as it is hard to see your children suffer. I know there will be many chances to witness during this time just as we did. I know I can give God all the glory for the healing. Our prayers are with you. Dot Boehm, 1st Bapt. church, Arnold MO (Sharon Kish Sunday School class---Weavers sent an email for prayer from our class
