Friday, July 8, 2011

Too busy to blog! ;o)

Hi friends!! I know it has been a few weeks since my last post. SO sorry. It just seems like life is flying by and I can hardly hold on. I will try and give you a quick update on the past few weeks. Our visits to our old village continue to go well and we are seeing them grow spiritually each week. We are like proud parents! They mentioned last week that they were thinking of changing the time so we wouldn't have to sleep on the floor at our old home  and we could just come to our study earlier and still have time to return home before it got dark. We are hoping this works out b/c it can be a little taxing on the family to pick up each week and go even if it is just for one night. Sometimes I forget what I have told you, I think I had shared we were doing that, if not, now you know we were staying there each week for one night after our study so that we wouldn't have to travel at night.

Things here are going well too! We had some American friends over here for the 4th and that was a lot of fun! It is always nice to visit with people in your own language and do things in English like play games, and of course eat all the foods that we love to eat. It was a super day and it was needed, for all of us! I am thankful that God has allowed us to meet people that have the same goal as we do and that we all get along so well. He is always so good to me!

We then had some special guests come and visit us at our new home, our boss and his wife. Now for many of you this would be a nightmare, but for us, it was awesome! We had a great time together and enjoyed more good food and fellowship! We have been blessed with a wonderful organization to work for and wonderful leadership.

We then had an absolutely wonderful time getting to know some new friends here in a neighboring village.  I will be honest and say sometimes these events we are invited to can drag on and be quite brutal, however; this was fun and we were the last to leave. Then last night we had our first storying session with a new family here. It went well and we now have plans to continue this every week with a new story. This family is very eager to learn and we are so happy to already have people interested in hearing our stories. God really is doing great things and we are just so happy to be able to be a small part of it! Thank you all for lifting us up, without you, this would be impossible! So, many, many, thanks! Love to you all!! Missy

Enjoy the pics!!

Our 4th of July meal!
The other side of the room eating the great burgers our friend Charlie fixed.

This is Charlie, he was so good to the boys he actually made a special trip out to try and find some fireworks for our celebration. This that he was lighting sounded like a bomb going off, it was crazy! He told us they were loud, but we had NO idea how loud!!

                                                     This was his reaction to the bomb!

Sharon's famous homemade icecream. It was sooo yummy!


We also celebrated little Sammy's 3rd birthday and this was the cake Sharon made.
That is Batman's head you see.
Greg shooting off more fireworks.

This is a famous church we visited when our boss and his wife came to visit.

As you can see, not your "normal" boss! Love you Alan!!

This is in front of our home. I just thought it was a neat picture.

This is a pastor and his family who we have become close with here.

Okay, this is one of those things you see in another country and realize just how blessed we are. This little girl was on the counter in a public bathroom asleep. Those are all of she and her mother's belongings and they probably both sleep there at night too. I guess you could say that is home sweet home. Feeling blessed?

This is my sweet neighbor. We are getting to know eachother and she is helping me with the language.

This is our "hotel" accomodations when we stay overnight for church in our old village. Not bad after seeing the little girl above, huh?

Meeting new friends.

How precious is she?

and she?

Annie makes friends so easily, she just loves to play, with ANYBODY!!

These two girls were adorable! I think I will become quite close with them!

This is Jerod translating a praise and worship song into English. They had fun doing this. The pastor couldn't say light but he knew what Cocalight is, and couldn't say Power but knew what Poweraid was, couldn't say WE but knew what Wii was, so Jerod was trying change the song some at first to get him used to saying the words. It was funny! "To see you high and lifted up, shining in the Cocalight of his glory, pour out your Poweraid and love as we sing holy, holy, holy." Funny!!

Still raining a lot, as you can see all roads stay looking like this. Greg wanted me to get a picture of this guy but I couldn't. He was in a very nice IU jacket. Of course it is funny to think he was getting ready to sweep that road.

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