Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When it rains, it pours!

Okay, we are needing some prayer about now. Today was a tough day. My poor husband has just about had it with this house and I think it is definitely getting the best of him. Ever since rainy season has started we have had problems with rain entering the house through the roof.  We had some people come yesterday to fix it and it looks as if everything is going well that now.

Greg and his "fix it" man decided to re-route some of the water over the house so it would come out in the front of our house and help with "Lake Wood" as our backyard has become known. So that is what they did. However in the process of them doing this it rained and the  water poured into our neighbor's (pictured above) home and ruined a lot of her pottery that she hand makes. She wasn't a happy lady. We offered to pay her for everything that was ruined  however that may not be enough to make her happy b/c it was part of an order she was filling and now it has set her back quite a bit. I feel like poopie!

That was just the beginning.

Then as he was helping his "Fix it" guy do something else in back it was sprinkling a little but not really raining hard and all of a sudden a lightening bolt struck extremely close to our home and hit the television and DVD player. So that went over really well. Poor Greg just shakes his head and says, "We can't catch a break!"

Of course he has to hear me complain and I am sure that doesn't make his life any easier. The sink is leaking, our stairs aren't near complete, our backyard is a lake and there is mud everywhere. So you can imagine I am just a real joy to have around!

So if you could pray for us, we would sure appreciate it. I told Greg that all of this is happening b/c Satan is just pure mad at us b/c things are seemingly going well here as far as He is concerned! Love to you all!! Missy

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