Tuesday, November 8, 2011

...Weep with those who weep....

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. Romans 12:15-16

This verse speaks straight to my heart when I think of My Estella. I tell you I really do weep with her. My heart actually feels pain when I hear of her life. I feel like Simon when he carried the cross for Jesus. He was able to lighten the load for Jesus for a short time in His life. I want to do that for Estella. I want to lighten her load.... at least for a portion of her life here on earth. I truly feel as if God brought her into my life and it wasn't so that I could help her. I mean, maybe that was part of the reason; however, she really helps me. She helps me to see what is really important in this life. It surely isn't money, or things or even my health.

 It is Jesus.

 She shared with me today of how for most of her married life she has been either abused or starved. Now, to look at her, you wouldn't think she is starving. But she doesn't eat much of anything of consistency. It is mainly tortillas, lots of tortillas and beans. Not a really healthy diet. She says through every beating, and with every night that her children cried because there was no food, she clung to Jesus. She said today, " He has never left me." Her life is getting a little better since her children are older and they can help her to work and make money. Which is sad in itself. Her daughter is only 13 and is already working full time picking strawberries. I don't know if you have ever seen how this is done but it is back breaking.
Please pray for Estella and for her daughter, Rosa and son, Marco. Please also pray for her husband who has been drunk, completely drunk for one month straight now. He needs Jesus.

On a somewhat lighter note, we are getting some new scenery around our home. When this happened to me it WASN'T something I embraced however it doesn't seem to bother my son at all. Here is a picture of Jerod getting fit for his new look. As you can see he was having fun with the entire experience!

These were the frames he liked best. So this will be his new look. Again, I was devastated when this happened to me and he couldn't care less. His self esteem is so much better than mine was. SO glad! Please pray it stays that way! Thanks!! My baby is growin' up. A tear just fell! ;o(

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support to our family. We cannot tell you how much it means to us. This job would be impossible without it! Hugs to you all!

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