Saturday, November 12, 2011

What do you do all week?

This is one of the questions we have heard often. What do we do? Well, I will tell you. I eat lots of ice cream with my feet propped up on the couch. I take lots of bubble baths and get lots of rest and relaxation. Now if you belive that, you are crazy! I mean.... I don't have a bathtub so a bubble bath is out of the question! ;o)

Since we have moved here to our new village our lives are non-stop. I will give you a general idea. Mondays are a little relaxed. Greg studies for a class he is taking in his online seminary class and takes his exam for the week. The kids and I home school and then we usually spend the evening doing something together. It usually envolves Monday night football.

The rest of the week varies from week to week.
We have a Bible study here in our village with about 15 people, which we really enjoy.
We go into town (which is about 40 minutes away) one day for our grocery shopping.
We have a night of prayer with a group of leaders from a nearby church to pray over the needs of the different villages.
 Greg disciples a man one night a week.
We go to our old village one night a week to assist them in their Bible study.
 We spend one day visiting different people in different villages here,
We also assist a new church plant in a nearby village that is just starting.
Then on Sundays we bounce around to different churches and try to encourage them.
And.. Of course every weekday we have school.

So, for those of you who are wondering what we do, all but one night a week, we are busy. It is a very busy schedule, but it is very exciting to see how God is working and how He has opened doors for us in the different villages here. We are blessed.

I know I continue to ask you to pray for Estella. (our housekeeper) I am gonna ask again. Her daughter came by on Friday and told me that she wasn't feeling well and couldn't come. So, I told her the that was fine and I would pray for her. She came  back today and asked me if she could start cleaning my house instead of her mom. She said the Dr. told her mom she needed to rest. Rosa (her daughter) said she didn't know how long she would have to rest but she would clean for her mom until she could go back to work. I asked about her job picking strawberries and she said she couldn't work right now. I don't know why. Anyway... here is the thing. Imagine being a grown women cleaning a home filled with things that you would love to own and knew there was no way you would ever have any of those things. However, you were happy for the job so you continued on with the job and tried hard not to covet. Now imagine you are only 13 and you are cleaning a house for the first time in your life that actually has a floor. Imagine how it would make you feel to clean all the things that you can only dream of owning and because you are only 13 you don't quite understand why that hasn't happened to you. I am petrified that this poor girl is going to really resent us for the things we own. I want to bless this family. I don't want to make things harder on them. So if you would, please pray that through this time of having a 13 year old clean my house (as my kids do their school) we can somehow bless her. Thanks for praying!! Love you all!

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