Friday, August 10, 2012

Death is tough.

 Hi friends. I have not been able to update you since a few weeks ago because last week we were blessed to be able to meet with our company and have a prayer retreat. It was a huge blessing and we were encouraged by Pastor Keith and his team from FBC in Cochran, Georgia.  We all left feeling very blessed and spiritually renewed. We came home and got ready to welcome another wonderful team from Indiana. They arrived here on Tuesday.
I couldn't get this rotated, but these are just a few of the 100's of snacks that the team from Georgia brought to us! Thanks FBC Cochran!

Pastor Keith and Gayle.

The youth.

Unfortunately Monday was when God chose to call home one of our friends who had been waiting for a kidney transplant. He had diabetes and left behind his sweet wife and daughter. Laura and Liz. They are now trying to figure out how to live without him. Please pray for them.

Saddest picture I have ever taken. Liz saying good-bye to her daddy.

Liz and Laura with Temo.

Life goes on.

We had a great day on Wednesday as we had another VBS. There were 61 kids and we had a lot of fun singing, laughing and just loving on all of them.

Jamie cheated and then was made to do a chicken dance.

Danny just liked singing the song that made him look strong! 

Greg loves to scream! 

This little fella loved painting my face! 

One day after burying her father, Liz has decided that God is in control and she will be okay.

We started a 3 day VBS in a different village on today and it went great as well. We had about 75 kids there and we were so encouraged by all of their excitement to hear God's Word. We look forward to our second day tomorrow!

Pam is dying to speak Spanish! She just gives up and talks to them in English and watches their faces as she talks. It is quite comical! They love her!

Jamie looks like a wrestler named John Cena. So all the boys want their picture taken with him. They teased him today and said he looked like John Cena after he had eaten lots of hamburgers. ;o) You gotta love kids!

This is the water they wanted to fill up with fish by our 3rd day of VBS. We filled it up today. 

Rachael with Annie and Liz

Greg and Danny learning the motions to the songs.

Pam helping to sand some wood for a craft.

Water race. They had a blast doing this. Girls won! 

I had a bad hair day and maybe just an ugly day cuz someone asked me if I was sick. Another 'compliment'! 

Then scene on the road home. Women washing clothes and bathing in the river.

Women hauling their firewood to their home. They probably walk at least 2-3 miles with this on their backs. Life is tough for women!

 We had planned on visiting my precious house helper and her children tonight. We were going to encourage her because she had been abandoned by her husband years ago when he chose alcohol over her. However, God had different plans. Chata, her daughter came to our home and told us that we couldn't go to her home because her dad had just died. So, it has been tough around here and will only get worse as the funeral will be tomorrow. Estella is a very strong Christian but her husband's family are critical of her and her faith. Please pray Estella and her 3 children.
Greg and I were able to go and pray with them and encourage them. We sang worship songs and prayed for their family. It was a sweet time.

Thanks for praying, I will update you all again asap! Love you all! Missy

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