Sunday, August 12, 2012

A First for Me!

This is Danny helping a little girl during our 6th VBS.

Annie and her friends coloring.

I talked about Liz in my last post. Her daddy died from diabetes on Monday. They buried him on Tuesday and this was taken on Thursday. She loved playing with Rachael. She spent everyday with us this week and although you could tell she was a little sad, she worked through it. Strong little girl!

This was a first for me. The girl in the purple is named Alma. (Soul) Her cousin who is sitting beside her brought her to VBS. She asked us if we could tell her about Jesus. We sat her down and started to ask her what she knew about Jesus. She said, "Nothing." We found out she didn't know what sin was, had never heard of Adam and Eve, had never heard of the birth of Jesus or any other story in the Bible. My heart was so heavy for her and I decided right then I couldn't let her leave until we shared with her. SO....

I began with the creation story and told her stories that went from Adam and Eve to Mary and Joseph to     many stories of Jesus and His power, healing and ultimately His death. However, I didn't stop there, I went on and shared that He wasn't dead He was alive in Heaven and  had power to save her and that He died so that she could be forgiven of her sins and have eternal life in Heaven. She said she wanted to follow this man who died for her sins. She said she wanted to give Him complete control of her life. For me, it was a definite GOD moment. I don't know how you can live here and not know about the birth of Jesus, but she does and didn't. That spurs me on to share with more who may not have heard either. Please pray for her as she starts her journey with God. 

The next day I underlined lots of verses in her new Bible that would encourage her and help her on her journey.

Jamie and Danny helping the kids with their craft.

This was how they looked when they were almost done.

Here they are when they were all done. They were key holders with a  group picture in the middle. They were proud!

Annie with her sweet friends.

Pam and I have gotten very close over the past years. I thank God for her!

Thank You Truitt family for our goodies!! 

Pam washing dishes. 

Pam with our favorite Grandma here. She and her husband founded the church. She is pictured below praising Jesus.

Balloon toss with sheets. They love this game.

The balloon landed on Alex's head and they loved that too!

This lady is my favorite older lady here in Mexico. She lost her husband about 2-3 months ago and I posted about that. She had pure peace then and as you can see, she is praising Jesus now! I think she is close to 80 and she was doing all the hand motions, singing and dancing! It was quite the sight to see!

Learning to praise!

Learning the songs.

This is Cynthia, she was one of the clowns on the last day and the kids loved watching their act!

Me and my honey!

Jerod was wearing down. He was taking a short nap.

Typical life for most young girls, caring for their younger siblings. 

Typical shoes for some here.

Box of shoes sent to us by our friend from Kingston Ave BC.  Thank You Robin Hart!!

Group photo of 6th VBS, there were about 95!

 Jamie and Greg sharing some laughs at one of our storying groups.

Greg sharing a story.

Jamie was taking this picture and I was at a funeral. This is the rest of the gang on the roof of our friend's home. 

Me and Pam at a lake near here. 

Our awesome team from Kingston Ave BC, Pam, Rachael, Danny, and Jamie. Thank you all for sacrificing your time and money to come and see us and serve the people here. We love you! 


  1. missy,
    great pics!! and it was again one of the best weeks of my life!! so exciting to see and hear God wrking in so many peoples humbled that i got to b a part of it..luv and prayers always!!!

  2. above note from pam truitt

    1. So proud of you Pam! You figured out how to leave a comment! ;o) It was an awesome week for us as well. Love you friend!
