Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Change Is In the Air!

Hi friends! I know I haven't updated this in a few weeks, so sorry. We are doing well, aside from battling with your normal allergy and stomach virus stuff!

Fall is my very favorite time of year and it is probably the hardest part of being out of the US. I love seeing the leaves change, wearing sweatshirts, going to football games, and I LOVE fall festivals! Not to mention my love of garage sales. So, not being there now is very hard for me! I do hope all of you will enjoy every single day on my behalf! Although there isn't any change of leaves here or the other changes that fall brings, there have been many changes for our people here this past month.

We have been so blessed and have been able to help so many people here b/c of the love and support that many of you have given to us. Through our shoe ministry,(Which I want to emphasize is NOT an organization, it is just us accepting shoes from friends, churches, and schools who want to participate.)and other gifts we have been able to help many! Hope you like the pictures and see the change that has occurred in many lives here.

Lots of new and used shoes to bless lots of feet!

Lots of shoes with holes, replaced by....

Lots of new pretty shoes!


These little ones were so confused about why they needed their picture taken with their new shoes!

He was wearing girl's shoes and she was wearing boy's shoes.

SO Happy!!

Out with the old in with the new.

Ever kissed your shoes?

Another change... This was our friend, Estella's home. Holes in the roof, only one complete wall and a tarp for one wall. 

This is the wall with the tarp.

Change has come to her and she now has complete walls, a pretty new roof, and the rain can no longer come into the walls.

I will post a picture of the complete project very soon! So... no pretty leaves, but the changes we have seen are just about as pretty! Love you all! Missy

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