Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of fun and evangelizing!

Hi! I wanted to give you a quick idea of what our week looked like. We have been working pretty hard and decided to take 2 days off and visit the city. We went swimming, bowling, shopping at a mall, and ate at Chilis! For some of you that may sound like just another weekend, but for us this only happens about 2 times a year. So, we were excited! 

Then we returned home for our month of evangelization and went to a village we have a study in each week. We tried to make friends with some of the family members of our group there. It went well and we saw a lot of openness. We also saw a lot of persecution. 

Our shoe ministry has continued to be a key tool to reaching people with the love of God. Many who don't have any desire to listen to us, sometimes are much more open when you have a pair of shoes to give them. Thank you all for blessing us with your used shoes! 

Annie and Daddy swimming.

Alex the model.

My sweet family.

Our oldest son, we are so proud! ;o) 

Sometimes even Annie gets new shoes! 

The view on the way to one of our studies each week.

I love to squeeze me some children! This little girl has been scared of me for about the past 6 months, she is just now warming up. I am happy!

Please pray for Juana. She is the mama to all 3 of these sweet children. They don't have a father in the picture. She struggles just to feed them. 

This is Greg storying through the Bible, as Jerod draws quick pictures to help them remember which story he is talking about. It was a review of the past 8 months. 

This little one got herself some new shoes! All the girls ever have are jelly shoes b/c they are so cheap here. This village is very cold, so jelly shoes are not practical or comfortable. She was happy, even if you can't tell.

This was our evangelism day.

We found these women in the street who were more than happy to listen to us and wanted to come to our study.

Happy with his new crocs.

Annie playing in the woods with her friends. She is such a great MK!

This little one also got her first pair of tennis shoes. She didn't even know who Dora was, but she loved her shoes!

New crocs. We are out of boys shoes, these were our last pair, but we were happy they fit him!

Traffic can sometimes be bad when we are on our way to share the Gospel! 

We got ready to leave the village and found the road completely blocked. So we had to find another way out. Our friend helped us navigate our way through back roads. We had to dig up rocks and fill in holes to make it, but we did!

You can't tell, but it was raining too! SO fun! 

Our cars waiting to find their way home. 

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