Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First bath at home

Hi everyone,

Our first bath at home went well. When I say "bath" now, I mean we actually put her in the tub. Annie was very nervous but was very brave. She is extremely scared of water. She has to touch it before she will even think about getting in it. Please pray she will get over this fear. Once she was in the tub, she just whimpered until we were done. That is a PRAISE!! She is sleeping a little better at night, however she still wakes up once or twice from bad dreams. The blessing is that she can't remember the bad dreams. She was so excited to see her "Mama Say and Honey."  They arrived last night and showered her with love. She is doing everything she can to impress them. She is walking more each day, however she still won't use her right hand very much. We are now trying to get used to the almost full body suit that she has to wear for the next 6 months. It is a little hot, but at the same time a blessing because she doesn't want anyone to see her booboos, and it covers them all up. We are trying to show her a good time during her week off from the doctor, however she is getting tired very easily and she still wants to sleep a lot. I guess our main prayer requests right now are for her to get over her mental anxiety, to use her right hand more, and for her big burn below her waist to heal. We love you so much and can't wait to see each one of you someday and personally thank you for praying for us!


  1. missy
    you are a very good mommy. being showered with love is a big part of the reason she is heading in the right direction. we will continue to lift all of you up to Jesus the healer. May God bless you all today.


  2. WE LOVE YOU Annie.
    We love you Alex, Jared, Missy and Greg.
    Jane and Alan
    GOD is soooooo GOOOOD!

  3. Dear Ones,

    We check your blog everyday, and give praise to God for what HE is doing. Our prayers continue to be with you, and we will especially pray for Annie that she will enjoy this week from the trips to the hospital. How wonderful to have Grandparents coming ....that can be such special time. May God continue to surround you with HIS LOVE, and strengthen you, to get through this difficult time.

    Enjoy your week.......

    Blessings to each one of you.

    In HIS LOVE,

    Roger and Jean Hicks
    (Howard's parents in North Carolina)

  4. Hey, Guys! We pray for Annie every day. Seeing the pics really encourages us. Isidro and Luisa's daughter, Maria, was very upset when she heard about Annie's accident and cried and wouldn't eat for several days. She wants
    Annie to come home soon so they can play. They also prayer for her daily. (I wrote a LONG note about this, and then lost the internet connection before I posted. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, yes! Mexico!) Will try to recreate the news for you at some point.

    Missy, Jenell had tea for us today, so Ale and I were over there this afternoon and enjoyed one of Jenell's famous fruit salads and iced tea. Tiana was a cheerful little girl today, so all we lacked was Missy and Annie!!! It was a special girls' day, but we missed YOU TWO! Tell Annie we'll have a special tea party when she comes home! We can make it iced tea if she's still afraid of hot things. ;-)

    WE LOVE YOU ALL! JESUS NEVER FAILS, AND HE IS WORKING TO TRANFORM THIS INTO A GLORIOUS TESTIMONY THAT WILL TOUCH THE HEARTS OF PUREPECHAS THROUGHOUT THE MESETA!!! That's what he does with the sneaky attacks the enemy throws our way, so we never have to be afraid. GREATER IS HE!!!

    The Stefflers

  5. Hi. I'm one of the people you haven't met who's praying for you. I'm friends with Holly Mulhollen's Dad, Doug. Last week, I got an email saying that Annie had arrived in Texas and that she needed our prayers. It talked about pain medication and skin grafts. I thought, "Who's Annie?"

    But I knew God knew who Annie was, even if I didn't, so I prayed that He would be with her and meet her needs, whatever they were.

    Later in the day, I got more information and a link to this blog. Then, I was able to pray more specifically. I've put all of you on the prayer list at my church, and I'm keeping the congregation up to date on Annie's condition.

    May God be with each of you and all of you as you heal, physically and emotionally.

    God Bless You.

    Mark Brenneman
    Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church
    Friedens, Pennsylvania

  6. Dear Missy, Greg and Family,
    I hope that Annie and you all had a good night. I'm certain that having Sarah and david there will brighten all your spirits up. I talked to our cousin Anna Bryan last night and told her about Annie. She is so sorry and she and her family will keep Annie and all of you in their prayers. I hope this week away from the hospital will be very positive and that Annie continues to improve. May God continue to touch your lives. Love and prayers, Robin

  7. Dear Missy and Greg,
    We are daily checking your blog and keeping tabs on Annie and her progress. We know that even in the midst of victories you must still walk through the "dailyness" of this injury. The Lord is your strength and your shield, a very present help in times of trouble. May you come to know Him in ways you have never known Him before as you are required to rely on Him in the painful details of caring for Annie.
    With love,
    Garry and Lori Jones

  8. We love all of you! I am so glad you were able to give her a bath and it wasn't too bad. Having grandparents there will be such a blessing. They can help heal faster than anyone! Thanks for letting us be a part of your miracle story. God Bless you!

    Love, The Keels 4

  9. Our church has Annie on the prayer list and last night we prayed specifically for her hand and her wound on her back. We know that you all must be tired but God is faithful! I'm glad Missy's parents are there to help.

    We love you all - you are OUR missionaries and Annie is one of OUR children.

    Love in Christ,
    Debbie Hendrix
    Jodeco Baptist Church
    Stockbridge, GA

  10. Missy and Greg,
    The site map is amazing. The Body of Christ is beautiful. I am continually amazed by the love shown amongst Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I continue to pray and lift each of you up throughout my day...each day. The picture of your mom and Annie is so sweet. Tell the boys, I'm checking on them and continue to pray for them as well. Can't wait to see you in still think you will make it? Keep looking UP ^
    Sheila McMillan
    RBC Springfield MO

  11. Missy and Greg,
    It's late and I am on my way to bed, but I just want you to know we are thinking of you and praying for you. Missy I am glad your parent's are there, I am sure that will be a great help to you all. We read all the information you send, and praise God for all the miracles that have already come about, and lift to him the the cares and concerns you still have. I pray you are sleeping well right this minute, and God will continue to give you the peace and assurance that he is in control of all that is happening. How do people who do not have the Lord in their lives get through things like this???


